Sunday, July 15, 2012

Limiting Religion to Only One Day.

I dislike the concept of Sunday-Saturday schools for teaching religious studies. Why in the world are you limiting the day or time your children practice their religion? Containing it to only one day a week for four hours are even less will make your children think that their religion should only be learned and practiced one day a week, Saturday or Sunday. At home the environment is completely different from what is being taught in the Quran, Bible, Torah, etc. and at Sunday/Saturday school the environment is absolutely different. You're only confusing your child and making them choose one or the other. If ANYTHING, the knowledge taught at these once-a-week schools should be practiced at home. Learning knowledge is one thing, and applying it is completely another. It's almost like parents use these Sunday-Saturday schools as a way of making themselves feel better, that their teaching their children the religion of their forefathers. In addition to that, some parents approach Sunday/Saturday schools as a place where they can drop their children for babysitting.  Parents, you are only wasting your money and your children's time if you approach these schools in this manner. If anything you should acquaint your children to these schools so you can learn and benefit from the classes as well. There is no such thing as being shameful to learn or even revise what you already know. Maybe from these Holy Scriptures you may learn something new about your prophet or you Lord, and there is no way a person can go wrong in that.

But for those parents that send their children to these classes with the intention for them to learn AND APPLY these teaches into their daily life, I applaud you. In addition to having an intention you need to help your children apply these teachings and rulings. Ask them about what they learned in their class, sit down with them and do their homework with them. Once you show that you have an interest in the religion, so will your children.

So if you're wondering why your children are going "astray"(for the lack of better terms) or not following what your religion is teaching them, think about how YOU are setting an example for your children. Are you making them think that religion is constraint to a day and a time. Or is it something that should be applied 24/7? 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Just Say Alhumdullilah- Mention of Rewards in Surah An-Nur

37 "Men whom neither trade nor business diverts from the remembrance of Allah nor from performing Salah nor from giving Zakah. They fear a Day when hearts and eyes will be overturned."

38 "That Allah may reward them according to the best of their deeds, and add even more for them out of His grace. And Allah provides without measure to whom He wills" 

Allah subhana wa Taallah CLEARLY states how He would reward those that make sure their occupation does not disturb their Ebaadah. And on top of that, he says he will "add even more for them out of His grace..." Allah is simply asking us to remember him which is something that we are already suppose to do . And then on top of that, he tells us that he will grant us even more rewards. The last part of ayah 38 is the best, "And Allah provides without measure to whom He wills." There is NO limit to what Allah can reward us with.

At work, where there is usually a certain amount of money we can only receive a month, but Allah Subhana wa Taallah says that he provides without measure to whom he wills. Then why aren't we impressing the boss that "provides without measure..."? Allah is the only one that we should try to impress in our day to day action because He is the only one that can give and take.

Verily, Allah is Great. 
Picture taken by Sana Saifuddin
The Kabah during Dhur time. The best time to go and touch the Kabah. It gets so hot around this time, that usually everyone returns to their hotels to take a nap before coming back for Asr. 

Just Say Alhumdullilah- The Mother of the Believers

It's actually a funny story. After finally receiving the complete collection of Tafsir ibn Kathir, I decided to read the Tafsir of the Surah that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, recommended all daughters, and wives to read; Surah Nisaa. But I mistakenly thought that it was Surah Noor. So I started to read the Tafsir for Surah Noor.

SubhanAllah, the Holy Quran is such a book, whatever or wherever you read from it, you are guaranteed to benefit from the information it contains. In Surah Noor, if I remember correctly, after a few ayahs, Allah revealed an ayah about the situation Aisha Radi ullah ho anha was in at the time. She was wrongly accused of committing a sin. In the Tafsir of Surah Noor, it talked about the whole situation she went through; who was involved, who made the accusation, how Aisha felt, how her husband, Prophet Muhammad, felt. 

To keep this post short, in the end Allah revealed a few ayahs proving her innocence. The way Aisha was so patient, and  silent throughout her situation is very admiring. My words do no justice to how Aisha handled herself.

After reading this Tafsir, I was dumbfounded with how much strength and patience she had. I can only dream to be the woman she was. I hope that I can remember to be patient and truthful in any obstacle I cross.

Aisha radi ullaho anha was truly an amazing Muslimah.  

Friday, June 1, 2012

Just Say Alhumdullilah -U-turn

I'm going to take a different approach.  I've been actively reading the Tafsir of the Quran and realized the beauty of it. The Quran that has been present right in front of me for the past 18 years, but I have ignorantly refused to realize that the Quran, Sunnah, and the Ahadith is what I should be closely looking at and practicing in my life. Starting college in the fall, I desperately need something, someone, to guide me to the sira'tum mustakeem in an environment where temptation surrounds me.

The Quran is what will guide me.

I hope my readers will take this journey with me to not only learn, but apply the teachings in the Quran and the Sunnah the correct way. 

Monday, May 21, 2012